
Connection Lab
Emily Bhargava

collaborative mosaic project
Glass art & community art

Media: Glass + Mosiacs, Installation

63 Irving Street

MAP # 9

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Emily's work in stained glass and mosaic are an extension of her long-time interest in crafts and public art. The only craft that beautifies both the inside of the house and the neighborhood, windows are a way to add color and composition to your home and to your street. Mosaic can add permanent color and fun to benches, sculptures and walls.

Emily's work in glass began about 15 years ago and she's been building windows, panels, lamps and other glass creations ever since. She's taught stained glass, flameworking, mosaic and glassblowing as well as mixed-technique classes for the last 10 years. She has built and restored windows for many private residences, and now works on commissions and provides lessons in her home studio. Come see examples of Emily's work and discuss projects for your home.