
Ron Brunelle

Hey Ya!
Acrylic & spray paint on canvas
Abstract acrylic painting

Media: Painting

Pearl Street Studios
226 Pearl Street 2R

MAP # 69

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In my painting I strive for a balance between intent and chance.
While I intentionally choose which colors, shapes, textures and patterns to use, I also leave room for something unintended to happen. This often results in the emergence of an unexpected color or shape that helps determine how the painting evolves.
Inspiration appears in many ways:
Walking through my neighborhood I observe the gritty urban/industrial surfaces of rusted, pitted, corroded metal, cracked concrete, crumbling brick and melted tar; in nature the patterns of tree bark, rippling pond waters and moss encrusted boulders intrigues me; molecular structures, DNA and other forms seen only with a microscope; the rhythms, energy and emotion found in the music I hear all find a way into my art.